Coaching for the Business of Making

Run a thriving business that is an extension of your creative thinking

How would it feel to get clarity around your direction, and follow it with a tangible plan for how to get there? Pretty awesome, right?!

You may be here because something is nagging you. 

You’re ready to test an idea and make the time to value yourself. But you’re stuck and don’t know where to start. Sound familiar? 

Together we can cut the mental fog, craft clarity on your top priorities and set some realistic goals to ensure that you get the progress that you are seeking.

Let's connect!

A business coach

A business coach who understands your journey

Before now, I struggled to find my way in both business and the creative industry, and to create the success I envisioned. 

Now, I blend business skills with awareness to coach micro-small business owners to navigate the barriers that they encounter. I support the self-employed side hustler, maker, businesses owner and manager.

I can assist you to unpack your creative and strategic blocks by asking concise questions to unravel where you want to get to.

You’re ready for change

You’ve been sitting still for so long, and now you’re ready to FLOW. Develop clarity as your superpower and set yourself up for the growth you want. All you need to do is reach out and we can begin. Are you ready to step up?

1:1 coaching

Business and creativity

Get support on unpacking your unique obstacles. Carve out clarity on your venture and business direction. Build the foundations to steer your career in the trajectory that you want.

Group coaching

For small business owners, creative thinkers and makers

If working in a group is your jam, come along and work on your own project through a guided, business and creative development group, be open to the wisdom that comes from collective discussions.

Public speaking

Inspirational and practical talks for creative thinkers

Hire me to talk about the below and much more:

  • growing small business
  • transitioning to self-funding
  • sustainable creative careers
Working together
Home Group Coaching
Public speaking


Coach and Client

The benefits of working with a business coach

on the journey

“It takes 30 days for a change in behaviour to become a habit, and six months for a habit to become the automatic way a person does things”

— Mark Goulston, psychiatrist, executive coach, consultant, inventor and developer