
A voice that combines experience and knowledge

When you need a presenter who combines hands-on practitioner experience with the knowledge of a business director, for your event, podcast, webinar, live workshop, keynote or group coaching session.

I love speaking! Cracking jokes, sharing insights, and bringing a room together.

If you are looking for a creative business speaker, with high energy and passion, to generate engaging and fun experiences for your live or online audience.

Let's connect and explore what you need:

A voice that combines experience and knowledge

With 20+ years’ experience as an entrepreneur and multi-business owner, you can tap into my knowledge of the challenges that micro-small, and creative, businesses face. Then unpack strategies for productive outcomes for your audience. Here are some topics that I can talk about at your next event:

Business strategies

  • Strategies for bringing business ideas to life
  • Crafting foundations for brand differentiation
  • Defining your standards for a thriving business
  • Bold design business growth
  • Magnify your presence and build community

Sparking change

  • Converting a hobby to a business
  • Striking out on your own
  • Maker businesses foundations, getting started

The importance of creativity

  • The creative mindset and applying it to business
  • Connections between community and making
  • Tapping into flow and scheduling chaos time

Keynote talk

I share the journey from side hustler artist to multi-business entrepreneur. Growing as a business director, coaching creatives and small business owners, and carving time to create.

Sharing key reflections on courage, the creative mindset, setting healthy boundaries and forging financial clarity.

Engaging the audience to craft their vision and outline the steps to taking action.

“Playing bigger always includes, in some way, coming forward to tell our own tales; voice our own questions; and share our bare, simple truths. This is how our work finds its spark and gains power…”
— Tara Mohr